Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thank you!

Many thanks for reading my blog on kinesthetic learning in literacy education! Please stay tuned for more updates. Check out my videos and pages to gain ideas on how to implement kinesthetic learning into your classroom. Please also refer to the sources I noted throughout my posts. I think they are wonderful.  On your mark, get set, GO!

"Great ideas originate in the muscles." ~Thomas Edison

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Simulation Video #3: To Kill a Mockingbird

CIRCLE UP! Today's video simulation uses the "Round Robin Monologue" action strategy. This is a spontaneous monologue technique, which seems particularly effective because it allows the students to be free and open right "in the moment" of comprehension/exploration. It can used as a pre, during, and post reading strategy, modified to fit any stage of the process. The students stand in a circle and are asked to think up a reaction sentence to a prompt. Then, the students turn to the inside of the circle while saying their statement. The "ripple" effect makes for a multidimensional, complex cycle of answers. It is reflective of the complex nature of interior monolgues all humans experience. For today's lesson, the activity was used as a pre-reading strategy for Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. The prompt was "A father is...". After the activity, I explained how we will study Atticus Finch and fatherhood in the book. We will do another round robin monolgue at the end of our unit.

Check it out @

Movement to Satisfy Needs (What it's All About!)

Education theorist William Glasser developed Choice Theory, which I've been studying this semester in Cohort. The premise of his theory is that everything in life is behavior, and that almost all behavior is chosen. His theory is one of internal control. It is driven by our genes to satisfy five basic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun. Most advocates of this theory would argue the most important need is love and belonging. When individuals feel they belong, they feel connected to a community. They feel like they're making a contribution and have established a closeness with the individuals in their environment.

When needs are not addressed in the classroom, it results in frustration and a lack of motivation in students. Glasser's internal control theory illustrates humans to be competent, to make choices, to have fun, to be capable. Movement in the literacy classroom can help educators fulfill these essential needs of students. Here is a breakdown I created that will explain further:
  • Freedom: Movement allows for less restriction and an increase in endorphins. It supports brain function and fosters creativity. Allowing students to make choices about their body and mind interactions will give them a sense of freedom.
  • Survival: The need for survival can tie back into the "fright or flight" method. Our bodies are designed to react to stimuli around us. Without the ability to move freely, our bodies may feel less protected.
  • Love and Belonging: A movement-orientated classroom allows for an increase in belonging and trust. Many of the activities require creativity, risk, and challenge, more so than any individual worksheet would require. Trust builds with the interactive activities.
  • Power: Students gain a sense of power with the enhanced competence through movement activities. It matches most students' preferred learning style; this makes the content seem more accessible to them.
  • Fun: Movement is simply fun. Our first human form of communication (as newborns) was movement. It's how we genuinely react to our environment. It's the most raw form of communication, and it feels good! It can be silly, which is needed in more classrooms (as long as it stays appropriate).

Using Movement for Differentiated Instruction

I've been learning about differentiated instruction in Cohort this semester, and I now see how kinesthetic learning ties in. I love making those connections. Effective modern classrooms are characterized by the uniqueness and diversity of the students. They make a community, celebrating each individual and capitalizing on his or her strengths.

Kuczala and Lengel state that 85% of all students rely on kinesthetic learning to understand material. Students do encompass all four learning styles (kinesthetic, aural, visual, and read/write), but the kinesthetic style dominates in classrooms. And more often than not, typical classroom instruction relies too heavily on read/write learning. Predominately kinesthetic learners also hold the highest correlation to dropout rates in secondary schools.

In response to this high percentage, it seems imperative that literacy teachers incorporate movement into their instruction. It will help increase variety in the classroom and meet the needs of all learners. The content does not need to be differentiated, in fact it should not be. But the paths to reach deep understanding of that content do not have to be identical for each student. It is up to the teacher to provide those opportunities.

It seems there could also be more opportunities for collaborative learning with kinesthetic activities too. With the whole group engaged, and physically demonstrating knowledge, it seems more difficult for a student to fall through the cracks. It also allows for more peer-to-peer scaffolding and mentoring in classroom activities.

Simulation Video #2: The Outsiders

Lights, camera, action! The students and I did another action strategy simulation today in class. The activity is called "Step by Step". After doing research on the brain-body connection, I can definitely see how this reading strategy could enhance students' understanding of the text. It's all about making that material connect to their personal thoughts and emotions. Since the students are moving, thinking, visualizing the material, it seems like a sure-fire way to deepen understanding. In this video, Jill is concerned about the character of Darry in S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders. She is placing blame on him for events that occurred in the novel. I used the "Step by Step" kinesthetic learning activity to address this concern. This strategy guides student imagination when comprehending text. It will help student better understand the author's motives and character actions. And it creates relevance with students; they physically must move through the situations from the book.

Check it out @